PC World Komputer 2010 April
pluginy Firefox
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Text File
155 lines
<!ENTITY extension.title "GMarks">
<!ENTITY gmarks.service "Google Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY addbkmk.visibility "Visibility: ">
<!ENTITY addbkmk.visibility.option1 "Private">
<!ENTITY addbkmk.visibility.option2 "Public">
<!ENTITY submissonError "There was an error submitting the following bookmark to Google:">
<!ENTITY refresh "Refresh">
<!ENTITY bkmk.open "Open">
<!ENTITY bkmk.openTab "Open in new Tab">
<!ENTITY bkmk.openWindow "Open in new Window">
<!ENTITY bkmk.edit "Properties">
<!ENTITY bkmk.changefavicon "Change Favicon">
<!ENTITY bkmk.rename "Rename">
<!ENTITY bkmk.updateURL "Update URL">
<!ENTITY bkmk.removelbl "Remove Label">
<!ENTITY bkmk.newlbl "Add new Labels...">
<!ENTITY bkmk.del "Delete">
<!ENTITY lbl.tabs "Open in Tabs">
<!ENTITY lbl.tabs.key "o">
<!ENTITY lbl.addhere "Add Bookmark Here">
<!ENTITY lbl.addhere.key "a">
<!ENTITY lbl.rename "Rename">
<!ENTITY lbl.rename.key "r">
<!ENTITY lbl.dellbl "Delete Label">
<!ENTITY lbl.dellbl.key "d">
<!ENTITY lbl.delbkmk "Delete Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY lbl.delbkmk.key "b">
<!ENTITY lbl.expand "Expand">
<!ENTITY addbkmk.label "Add Bookmark">
<!ENTITY search.label "Search:">
<!ENTITY search.key "s">
<!ENTITY notsignedon "You are not signed into your Google Account.">
<!ENTITY email "Email: ">
<!ENTITY pass "Password: ">
<!ENTITY autosignin "Automatically sign in">
<!ENTITY autosignin.tooltip "Only signs in if you aren't signed in">
<!ENTITY signin "Sign in">
<!ENTITY signout "Sign out">
<!ENTITY retry "Retry">
<!ENTITY star.tooltip "Opens GMarks in the sidebar">
<!ENTITY GMarks.add "Add GMark">
<!ENTITY GMarks.quickAdd "Quick Add GMark">
<!ENTITY GMarks.quickAdd.tooltip "Add GMark(Bypass add bookmark window)">
<!ENTITY tree.colTitle "Google Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY sidebar.title "GMarks">
<!ENTITY pref.main.title "Main">
<!ENTITY options.title "Options">
<!ENTITY options.sidebar "Sidebar">
<!ENTITY options.toolbar "Toolbar">
<!ENTITY options.menu "Menu">
<!ENTITY options.misc "Misc">
<!ENTITY bkmksmenu.hide "Hide Bookmarks menu">
<!ENTITY gmarksmenu.enable "Enable GMarks menu">
<!ENTITY gmarksmenu.rename "Rename GMarks menu to Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY menu.title "GMarks">
<!ENTITY menu.accesskey "G">
<!ENTITY menu.add "Add">
<!ENTITY menu.remove "Remove">
<!ENTITY menu.reset "Reset">
<!ENTITY menu.up "Up">
<!ENTITY menu.down "Down">
<!ENTITY import.label "Import Firefox Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY export.label "Export Google Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY delete.label "Delete Google Bookmarks">
<!ENTITY delete.tooltip "Did GMarks mess something up? Please let me know.">
<!ENTITY editfilters.label "Edit Filters">
<!ENTITY sort.label "Sort By:">
<!ENTITY sort.title "Title(Alphabetical)">
<!ENTITY sort.date "Date">
<!ENTITY sort.visits "Visits(Firefox History)">
<!ENTITY sort.clicks "Bookmark Clicks">
<!ENTITY accountinfo.label "Account Preferences">
<!ENTITY alwaysuse "Always use this account">
<!ENTITY alwaysuse.tooltip "Accesses the specified account even if you are signed into another account">
<!ENTITY nosignin "I can signin myself, thanks.">
<!ENTITY options.other "Other Options">
<!ENTITY enableGMarksSuggest "Enable GMarks Suggest">
<!ENTITY showAddBookmark "Show add bookmark button">
<!ENTITY usectrld "Enable Ctrl+D/Ctrl+Shift+D Support">
<!ENTITY showIcons "Show Icons">
<!ENTITY showFavicons "Show Favicons">
<!ENTITY validateFavicons "Validate Favicons">
<!ENTITY validateFavicons.tooltip "Checks to see if a bookmark's favicon exists, disable if you have a lot of bookmarks.">
<!ENTITY showCount "Show Bookmark Count">
<!ENTITY httpsFavicons "Enable https Favicons">
<!ENTITY showrecent "Show 10 most recent">
<!ENTITY showfrequent "Show 10 most frequent">
<!ENTITY whatisthis "Whats this?">
<!ENTITY nestedChar "Nested Labels Separator:">
<!ENTITY disableQuickSearch "Disable Quick Search">
<!ENTITY qsTitle "Quick Search shortcut">
<!ENTITY qsDescription "Press any key in the textbox to change the quick search shortcuts">
<!ENTITY HiddenLabels "Enter labels below to hide.">
<!ENTITY unlabeledDescription "Default label for those with no labels">
<!ENTITY unlabeldDescrioption2 "Leave blank for no extra label">
<!ENTITY GoogleReader.description "Default label for Reader's starred items.">
<!ENTITY GoogleReader.show "Show starred items in GMarks.">
<!ENTITY openinnewtab "Always open in a new tab.">
<!ENTITY toolbar.title "GMarks Toolbar">
<!ENTITY toolbar.hide "Don't show the toolbar">
<!ENTITY toolbar.begining "Show before the FF Bookmarks Toolbar">
<!ENTITY toolbar.end "Show after the FF Bookmarks Toolbar">
<!ENTITY toolbar.label "Toolbar Label: ">
<!ENTITY toolbar.desc "Leave blank to show all bookmarks.">
<!ENTITY toolbar.showIconsOnly "Show icons only">
<!ENTITY confirmBeforeDelete "Confirm Before Deleting">
<!ENTITY bkmkLblCombos "Enable Bookmark+Label Combos">
<!ENTITY bkmkLblCombos.details "Merges labels and bookmarks with the same names and parent labels, when clicking on the merged group, it opens the bookmarked site, when clicking on the twisty(+ or - sign), it opens the folder">
<!ENTITY gmopts.tab.general "General">
<!ENTITY gmopts.tab.display "Display">
<!ENTITY gmopts.tab.other "Other">
<!ENTITY caption.more "More">
<!ENTITY filters.tabs.filtersList "Filters">
<!ENTITY filters.tabs.createFilter "Create Filter">
<!ENTITY filters.tabs.editFilter "Edit Filter">
<!ENTITY filterList.description "The following filters are applied to all new bookmarks:">
<!ENTITY filter.bkmk.results "Bookmark results for this filter:">
<!ENTITY createFilter.query "Query">
<!ENTITY createFilter.action "Action">
<!ENTITY field.name "Name:">
<!ENTITY field.url "URL:">
<!ENTITY field.labels "Labels:">
<!ENTITY field.notes "Notes:">
<!ENTITY cQuery.all "All:">
<!ENTITY cAction.description1 "Begin with ++ to add to the begining of the name or notes field.">
<!ENTITY cAction.labels "Add Labels:">
<!ENTITY cAction.name "Edit Name:">
<!ENTITY cAction.url "Edit URL:">
<!ENTITY cAction.notes "Add Notes:">
<!ENTITY cAction.delete "Delete (For those already bookmarked)">
<!ENTITY convertToNested "Turn multiple labels into one nested label">
<!ENTITY cAction.createFilter.label "Create Filter">
<!ENTITY cAction.cancel.label "Cancel">
<!ENTITY cAction.applyAll.label "Also apply to the bookmarks below:">
<!ENTITY labels.howto "Separate labels with a comma: News, To do, summer vacation">
<!ENTITY qSearch.info "Quick Bookmark Search (hit Home twice to hide)">
<!ENTITY addtoFFandGMarks "Both">
<!ENTITY organize "Organize GMarks">
<!ENTITY org.file "File">
<!ENTITY org.file.accesskey "f">
<!ENTITY org.file.import "Import">
<!ENTITY org.file.export "Export">
<!ENTITY org.file.filters "Filters">
<!ENTITY org.file.close "Close">
<!ENTITY org.file.close.accesskey "c">
<!ENTITY org.close.commandkey "w">
<!ENTITY details.name "Name">
<!ENTITY details.url "Location">
<!ENTITY details.notes "Notes">
<!ENTITY details.labels "Labels">
<!ENTITY details.dateAdded "Date Added">
<!ENTITY details.visited "Visited">
<!ENTITY details.lastVisited "Last Visited">
<!ENTITY gmarks.loading "Loading...">